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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Politologii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Nauka > Projekty > Urban Post-COVID Recovery in the V4 Countries




Urban Post-COVID Recovery in the V4 Countries 

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on functioning of municipalities. It led to a reduction in budget revenues, made it difficult to provide public services in many areas of urban policy (in many sectoral policies) and, what is connected, forced the response of municipal self-governments. Therefore, the project focuses on the issue of the urban post-COVID recovery in the V4 countries: Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary. 

The cooperation of researchers and practitioners from Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary enables the diagnosis of the mechanisms of the response to the post-COVID pandemic crisis at the municipal self-governments level. There is no such a analysis which concentrates on the V4 countries and contain the recommendations aimed at practitioners - representatives of public institutions (municipal self-governments), NGOs and, what is the most important, inhabitants. The project fills this burning gap. What is more, it allow one to determine if there is a common 'pattern' of urban post-COVID recovery in the V4 countries and, whether the V4 countries can follow the experiences of the 'old” EU countries.

The Institute of Political Science of the University of Wrocław is the leader of the project implemented in the period of 2022-2025 and led by dr Kamil Glinka.

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


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First project event: Wrocław, April 26th-27th 2023 

Second project event: online, May 6th-7th 2024 


Project partners

1. Metropolitan University Prague (the Czech Republic)



2. University of West Bohemia (the Czech Republic)



3. Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia)



4. University of Szeged (Hungary)



5. Angelus Silesius Academy of Applied Sciences (Poland)



6. Municipality of Wrocław (Poland)



7. The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas (France)

