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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Politologii

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dr Karol Szulc

Zakład Polityki Zagranicznej i Zagrożeń Globalnych

Gabinet: Room: 316

Telefon: 71 375 5184

Adres e-mail: karol.chwedczuk-szulc@uwr.edu.pl

social media ORCID:0000-0001-6405-1024


w semestrze letnim 2025

  • Czwartek/Thursdays: 15:15-17:15
  • Zachęcam o wcześniejszego kontaktu przez MS Teams lub email (karol.chwedczuk-szulc@wuwr.edu.pl) w celu ustalenia tematyki konsultacji.
  • Please contact me via email or MS Teams before coming to office hours.

Prowadzone przedmioty:

APS1 rok: 2
European Integration wykład 15 godz.
sala: 25
APS1 rok: 3
Strategies of national security ćw 15 godz.
sala: 27
APS2 rok: 2
European Law wykład 15 godz.
sala: 116
APS1 rok: 2
European Integration ćw 30 godz.
sala: 25
APS1 rok: 3
Strategic studies ćw 30 godz.
sala: 27


  • Koordynator programu ERASMUS+ dla studentów wyjeżdżających z IPOL

Zainteresowania naukowe:

  • Research interests: theory of International Relations (focus on social constructivism), EU-US comparative study (historical sociology, foreign and international policy), sociology of politics.

Kontakt z mediami:

  • Contact for media: karol.chwedczuk-szulc@uwr.edu.pl
  • K. Chwedczuk-Szulc, A. Polus, Social Constructivism as a Forecasting Matrix?, Polish Political Science Review, 2020 (8:1), p. 1-19
  • K. Chwedczuk-Szulc, Social Constructivism in IR — A Short Success Story?, Polish Political Science Review, 2019 (7:2), p. 87-95
  • Herbut, K. Chwedczuk-Szulc, The “Trump Effect” on Russian Foreign Policy, in: Trump’s First 100 Days as President of the United States: International Perspectives and Responses, Washington DC: Westphalia Press 2018 (to be published 01/2018)
  • Maier, T. Faas, B. Rittberger, K. Chwedczuk-Szulc et al., This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens and its consequence for EU democracy–evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries, Journal of European Public Policy, 01/2017; 1-27
  • Chwedczuk-Szulc, Brexit’s Potentital Implications for Poland’s Position in the EU, “E-IR”, 09/08/2016, http://www.e-ir.info/2016/08/09/brexits-potentital-implications-for-polands-position-in-the-eu/
  • Chwedczuk-Szulc, M. Zaremba, Janusz Korwin-Mikke and the Rest: The Polish Eurosceptic Right Wing, The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 09/2015; 2:121
  • Cześnik, K. Chwedczuk-Szulc, M. Zaremba, Voter Turnout in the 2014 European Parliament Election in Poland, Political Preferences, No.9/2014, Uniwersytet Śląski
  • 02/2019 – 08/2019, Fulbright-Schuman Research Grant at American University in Washington, Comparative study of the EU and the US in the times of serious political crises; project title: "Pax Americana meets Pax Europaea. Comparative study of compound polities in crisis: United States and European Union". Fulbright Commission Belgium, The EU Commission's DG for Education and Culture; American University, 400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016 (USA)
  • 06/2017 – 12/2017, Internal grant of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Project: „USA in Poland, Poland in USA – the analysis of parliamentary debates in United States and Poland. University of Wrocław, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław (Poland)
  • 10/2015 – 03/2016, Kosciuszko Foundation Research Grant at American University in Washington, Research project – comparative study of American federalism and European integration in social perspective. The Kosciuszko Foundation, Inc., 15 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065 (USA); American University, 400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016 (USA).
  • 10/2011 – 06/2012, Visiting Research Fellow Scholarship of Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry, Middle East Conflict; quantitative and qualitative data gathering; in-depth interviewing. Hebrew University, Har ha-Tsofim, Jerusalem (Israel)


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