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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

The Institute of Political Science

You are here: Home > Students > Erasmus+ > Outgoing - studies


Erasmus is a European Union educational programme in which we have been participating since 1998/99.  In the years 1995 - 2006 Erasmus was an element of the Socrates programme, hence the name Socrates/Erasmus, and since 2007/2008 is has been a part of the Lifelong Learning Programme, hence the name LLP-Erasmus.

For the period 2014-2020 the LLP programme was be replaced by the Erasmus + which will start operating at our University in 2014/2015 academic year.


You may find more at the website:


 Erasmus+ recruitment for 2024-2025 (PDF / 2.26 Mb) 


The list of partner universities of the Institute of Political Science

Erasmus code


Name of the university




B  BRUXEL04 Université Libre de Bruxelles Belgium
BG SOFIA06 Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Bulgaria
HR ZAGREB01 University of Zagreb Croatia
CZ BRNO05 Masarykova Univerzita The Czech Republic
CZ HRADEC01 University of Education Hradec Kralove The Czech Republic
CZ PLZEN01 University of West Bohemia The Czech Republic
EE TARTU02 University of Tartu (Tartu Ulikool) Estonia
F  LILLE02 Université du Droit et de la Sante (Lille II) France
F  NANTES12 Audencia Nantes - Ecole de Management France
F  TOULOUS48 Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse France
E  MADRID14 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain
E  MADRID26 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Spain
E  MURCIA05 Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia Spain
E  VIGO01 Universidad de Vigo Spain
LT KAUNAS01 Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas Lithuania
LT KAUNAS02 Kauno Technologijos Universitetas Lithuania
LV RIGA01 University of Latvia Latvia
MK SKOPJE01 St. Cyril and Methodius University Macedonia
D  BERLIN01 Freie Universität Berlin Germany
D  BERLIN13 Humboldt-University, Berlin Germany
D  BOCHUM01 Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany
D  BONN01 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn Germany
D  DRESDEN02 Technische Universität Dresden Germany
D  DRESDEN02 Technische Universität Dresden Germany
D  DUSSELD01 Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Germany
D  KOBLENZ02 Universität Koblenz - Landau Germany
D  MAINZ01 Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Germany
D  MANNHEI01 Universität Mannheim Germany
N  OSLO01 University of Oslo Norway
RO BUCURES09 University of Bucharest Romania
RO CLUJNAP01 Universitatea Babes Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca Romania
SK BRATISL02 Comenius University in Bratislava Slovakia
SI LJUBLJA01 Univerza v Ljubljani Slovenia
CH BERN01 Universität Bern Switzerland
S  HUDDING01 Södertörns högskola Sweden
TR ANKARA04 Middle East Technical University Turkey
TR ISTANBU21 Yeditepe University Turkey
TR MARDIN01 Madrin Artuklu University Turkey
HU BUDAPES03 Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Hungary
HU BUDAPES47 Central European University Hungary
HU SZEGED01 Szeged University Hungary
UK DUNDEE01 University of Dundee The United Kingdom 
I  BOLOGNA01 University of Bologna Italy
I  FIRENZE01 University of Florence Italy
I  GENOVA01 University of Genova Italy

Language of instruction in countries where the Institute of Politcal Science has Erasmus Partner Institutions:
English - Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, UK
German - Germany 
Italian - Italy (at the University of Bologna you may study in English also)
Spanish - Spain
Portugeese - Portugal
French - Belgium, France (at th University of Toulouse and Université Catholique de Lille you may study in English also)

Scholarship Amount
The Erasmus grant is supplementary and meant to cover the gap in the cost of living between your home and receiving country. It is funded from EU sources. Students receiving the Erasmus grant retain the right to all other benefits like academic performance award, maintenance benefit or ministerial scholarship.

The amount of one month's scholarship is determined by the National Erasmus Agency and differentiated according to countries:
In 2020/2021 academic year a monthly Erasmus+ scholarship amounts to:

500 €- Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, Italy
400 €- Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Iceland, Luxembourg, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey
300 €- Bulgaria, Estonia, FYROM (Macedonia), Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary
Switzerland - Swiss government grants
The total scholarship amount for a given mobility is related to the duration of the semester and examination period at the foreign university. For this reason students going to the same country may receive different grants.

The payment will be made on the condition that you sign the Student Agreement, where the study period at the foreign university is indicated, before the mobility.

All financial settlements related to the scholarship, its possible repayment or surcharge in cases when the mobility period in the agreement is different than the period indicated in the certificate from the foreign university, will be made after completing a semester of studies abroad on the basis of an annex to the Student Agreement.

According to the principle adopted at the University of Wrocław funds are allocated for a maximum period of 5 months, and according to the general principles the mobility cannot be shorter than 3 months.